Zero tolerance to corruption

Zero tolerance to corruption JV "Khorasan-U" LLP / "Kyzylkum" LLP

High reputation of the Company is based on compliance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, international standards, including regulatory legal acts that regulate the conduct of business in the countries with which the Company cooperates with customers. 

The Company strictly excludes any form of bribery or corruption.

The Company establishes requirements for all partners to comply with the standards of non-acceptance of corruption in all its forms and manifestations, and seeks to understand the possibility of liability for actions of the parties that may negatively affect the Company's reputation. It means that the Company's employees:

  • do not offer or take bribes;
  • do not make payments for facilitation or urgency, even if they are considered legal in the country where the Company was required to make such payment in accordance with the procedure established by them;
  • inform the Company's Manager or Security Service if the Company's employees were offered a bribe or were required to pay a bribe or a payment for facilitation of formalities;
  • capture information about all payments truthfully and accurately;
  • conduct proper comprehensive reviews of business partners to determine the possible level of risk before starting cooperation;
  • inform partners of the anti-bribery and anti-corruption policy at the beginning of cooperation and as required afterwards;
  • request from partners their anti-bribery and anti-corruption policies/instructions;
  • pay due attention to alarm signals, including incorrect descriptions regarding the purpose of payments or services, payment requests in exchange for any permissions, and signs that the invoice amount has been exceeded or specified incorrectly;
  • reduce the cooperation scope or, depending on the situation, terminate the cooperation if there are doubts that the partner may not be following the Company's standards.